Exo Exchange Rate Importer
Want to quickly update the exchange rates into your Exo system on a regular basis?
This tool allows you to import the latest currency exchange rates direct from Westpac bank's New Zealand website (or for Australian customers, the rates from the Commonwealth Bank website) any time you want, giving you the ability to update to the latest rates whenever you wish.
You don't need to go to the website, or open the Exo menu for
Currencies to manually key in all the different currencies set up.
Just add this import tool to your Exo menu and run it as much as
you like - one click is all it takes to import all the available
rates into your Exo system. As no re-keying is required, not only
will you save time and money, you also eliminate the risk of user
How it works
Users must set up the Exo Currencies "Code" field with the respective international three (3) character currency code to ensure all the currencies you have set up are able to be mapped with the respective currency from the banking website.
- Initial setup: Map the Exo "Buy" and "Sell" rate with one of the buy/sell rates available on the banking website (this can be changed as required)
- Open our Exo Exchange Rate Import tool and the latest rates will automatically be downloaded for you. You can also refresh the rates by clicking on "Refresh Rates".
- The current Exo Buy and Sell Rate will be displayed along with the current rates from the banking website. To continue to update the existing with the new rates, click Import.
- It that easy! You can run this tool as often as you like!
Our software will highlight any erroneous lines in red so you can quickly identify and fix the issue/s.
Go to Downloads and Demos to download this FREE tool now and always have up-to-date exchange rates!